Gymboree saved my life.

Last weekend I was holding my neighbor’s beautiful 2 month old and it made me remember my early years of motherhood. I was sleep deprived, and questioned myself about the BEST ways to feed, educate, and get my child to sleep. I read a lot of parenting books. But the knowledge from books wasn’t what helped me thrive in that time.

It was being with other moms.

Moms who had very different backgrounds, careers and parenting styles.
But what we had in common were babies.
Babies the same age.
And funny stories.
And compassion for the challenges each of us was facing. We bonded while sitting on a colorful parachute while our boys squealed over bubbles. Those hours spent at Gymboree in the mall were where my son was happier and so was I, because I connected with women I wouldn’t have known otherwise.

March 20th, is the International Day of Happiness.

This year’s theme is “Happier Together,”
focusing on what we have in common,
rather than what divides us.

As a mom, I know that I’m so much happier when I’m focusing on what I have in common with other moms, rather than what divides us. Getting caught up in kid drama or working vs stay at home moms or politics never makes anyone HAPPIER.

One of the reasons I lead Vision Board Workshops is to bring women together, so we realize we have more in common than what divides us.

Some workshops have had single women in their 20’s to retired women in their 0’s. Most are somewhere in between. And we always have something in common.

Let’s get “happier together” soon!